Security: A GPG Cheat Sheet
GPG is an outstanding security program that allows you to encrypt files based on someone’s public key. The file is then decrypted by the private key of the public key holder once they receive it.
This is my version of a gpg survival guide.
Pulling someone’s key
gpg –keyserver –recv-keys bbc81a91
Sending your key to a public keyserver
gpg –send-keys bbc81a91
Refreshing your keys from a keyserver
gpg –refresh-keys
Generating a key
gpg –gen-key
Exporting a public key
gpg –export -a “Key Name” > pub.key
Exporting a private key
gpg –export-secret-key -a “Key Name” > priv.key
Deleting a private key
gpg –delete-secret-key “Key Name”
Deleting a public key
gpg –delete-key “Key Name”
Importing a key
gpg –import public.key
Listing the keystore
gpg –list-keys
View the entire fingerprint key of all of your installed keys
gpg –list-keys –fingerprint
Search a keyserver
gpg –search-keys –keyserver “name”
Encrypting a file for someone using there public key so only they can decrypt it
gpg –encrypt –recipient “Their Name” filename.txt
Encrypting a file for someone using there public key and your public key so you both can decrypt it.
gpg –encrypt –recipient “Their Name” –recipient “Your Name” filename.txt
You can also define groups of people to encrypt messages to by defining the group in the gpg.config file
gpg –encrypt –recipient myfriends filename.txt
Decrypt a file to the screen
gpg –decrypt filename.txt.gpg
Decrypt a file to disk
gpg filename.txt.gpg
Shorthand version of gpg”
gpg -e -r “There Name” filename.txt
This post was inspired by Citizenfour and Laura Poitras