Linux: Raspberry PI – Chromium didn’t shut down correctly – How to fix
When using Chromium as a Kiosk it will not shutdown properly on reboot. As a result it throws an error every time it restarts.
Here is my fix(This assumes you are using pi as your auto login user):
1. mkdir /home/pi/scripts
2. nano /home/pi/scripts/chromiumcleanup
3. Add the following:
/bin/sed -i ‘s/”exit_type”:”Crashed”/”exit_type”:”Normal”/’ ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences
4. ctrl X and Y
5. chmod 755 /home/pi/scripts/chromiumcleanup
6. crontab -e
7. Add the following: @reboot /home/pi/scripts/chromiumcleaner
Make certain to put a new line after the above. crontab requires an empty line for an EOF.
Reboot and everything should work.
By: Timothy Jay Conrad (sed command taken from S. Kemp)