Linux: Create Network Bridge For KVM
The bridged network is a dedicated network interface to a virtual machine that helps virtual machines to connect outside the host machine.
Let us list the available network connections.COPY
nmcli connection show
NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE Wired connection 1 fbbdd6f9-0970-354e-8693-ff8050a85c77 ethernet enp0s3
Now, we will create a virtual bridge network br0 with the help of physical interface enp0s3.
sudo nmcli con add ifname br0 type bridge con-name br0 sudo nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname enp0s3 master br0
Next, we will assign the IP address of the physical interface to the bridge interface as the Bridge network interface will act as the primary network interface of your host system.COPY
sudo nmcli con mod br0 ipv4.addresses
sudo nmcli con mod br0 ipv4.gateway
sudo nmcli con mod br0 ipv4.dns "",""
sudo nmcli con mod br0 ipv4.method manual
KVM requires a few additional network settings. So, set them.COPY
sudo nmcli con modify br0 bridge.stp no
sudo nmcli con modify br0 bridge.forward-delay 0
Disable the physical interface and enable the network bridge.COPY
sudo nmcli con down "Wired connection 1" && sudo nmcli con up br0
Run the above command in the system terminal as you may lose SSH sessions when running them remotely.
Finally, check the network connections.COPY
sudo nmcli con show
Output: NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE br0 ee117099-4935-4dde-a1f5-4981b0d9585e bridge br0 bridge-slave-enp0s3 492b5c81-e59d-4150-9b24-0348cd0dd87c ethernet enp0s3 Wired connection 1 fbbdd6f9-0970-354e-8693-ff8050a85c77 ethernet --
By: Raj