August 23

ReplicatorG: Blender settings for exporting to stl

  1. Make certain your Scene Unit scale is mm
  2. After joining your parts, select the final object.
  3. Click Object – Apply – Rotation and Scale
  4. Click File – Export – stl
  5. Check mark Scene Unit
  6. Change the scale to 1000
  7. Click Export to STL


Your object should now be the appropriate size when importing into ReplicatorG

By: Timothy Conrad

Category: Blender, ReplicatorG | Comments Off on ReplicatorG: Blender settings for exporting to stl
January 4

ReplicatorG: Cannot see object after importing stl file from Blender

Have you ever tried to import an STL into ReplicatorG and found that the object was miniscule?  This usually happens when the object was saved as an STL in inches, rather that millimeters.

It takes 25.4mm to equal 1 inch.  All you have to do is scale the object up by a factor of 25.4 and you’re ready to go!

By: MakerBlock

Category: ReplicatorG | Comments Off on ReplicatorG: Cannot see object after importing stl file from Blender