Linux: Reporting whether a Linux laptop has encryption turned on
The following information outlines how the BASH script showsecure works.
In this process we are using a combination of to linux system commands to determine whether a drive is encrypted.
We are using LUKS encryption during the installation process of a Linux install.
During a typical Red Hat installation three partitions are created:
1. efi - location for bootable firmware (Replaces MBR)
2. boot - The main system files that are called by the EFI to be able to boot the partition
3. root - All other Linux data needed to run Linux
LUKS default cipher is aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
LUKS encrypts the entire block device
On boot the Linux kernel device mapper calls the LUKS partition.
The User is immediately prompted for a password to unlock the drive.
If the correct password is supplied the Linux Kernel maps the encrypted drive for access and the boot process continues.
Weekly Monitoring
We can prove a drive is encrypted by looking at the block id information.
In the script below we are looking for two things:
1. Is there a mapped luks drive partition? - Determined with the fdisk command
2. Is the mapped drive the root partition /dev/sda3? - Determined with the blkid command
A cronjob runs once a week to verify that a drive has been encrypted.
If the UUID's matched from both check then an emailed is sent stating that the drive encryption is active.
If the UUID's do not match the an email is sent stating that the drive has not been encrypted.
cat showsecure
---- Query Drive Data
driveinfo1=$(/usr/sbin/fdisk -l | /usr/bin/grep "Disk /dev/mapper/luks")
driveinfo2=$(/usr/sbin/blkid | /usr/bin/grep "/dev/sda3")
---- Parse the UUID information looking for a LUKS encryption match
check1=$(echo $driveinfo1 | /usr/bin/grep -oP '(?<=luks-).*(?=:)')
check2=$(echo $driveinfo2 | /usr/bin/grep -oP '(?<=UUID=").*(?=" T)')
---- Comment out the above and uncomment these to prove failure response
---- Prep information file that will be emailed
echo "Linu30 9 * * 3 /root/scripts/showsecure
x Encryption Infomation" > /root/scripts/driveinfo.txt
echo "Computer: "$grabhost >> /root/scripts/driveinfo.txt
---- Check for LUKS encryption and send report on status
---- Alert on success
if [ "$check1" = "$check2" ]
echo "Drive Encryption Status: Active : ID:" $check1 >> /root/scripts/driveinfo.txt
mail -s "Linux Encryption Report:" [email protected] [email protected] < /root/scripts/driveinfo.txt
---- Alert on failure
echo "Drive Encryption Status: !!! Drive is not Encrypted !!! : ID:" $check1 >> /root/scripts/driveinfo.txt
mail -s "Linux Encryption Report:" [email protected] [email protected] < /root/scripts/driveinfo.txt
30 9 * * 3 /root/scripts/showsecure