September 26

V7000: Remote copying results in an out of memory error

After setting up several global or metro mirroring procedures you may run out of memory on the V7000
The V7000 remote memory is set to a default of 20 MB.

To increase the size of the available memory use the following command:

svctask chiogrp -feature remote -size 40 0

This will increase the available memory to 40 MB


Additional information about the chiogrp command


The chiogrp command modifies the name of an I/O group, or the amount of memory that is available for Copy Services or VDisk mirroring operations.


Read syntax diagram

Skip visual syntax diagram
>>- svctask -- -- chiogrp -- --+---------------------+-- ------->
                               '- -name -- new_name -'      

   '- -feature --+- flash --+-- -- -size -- memory_size --+-------+-'   
                 +- remote -+                             '- -kb -'     
                 '- mirror -'                                           

>--+- io_group_id ---+-----------------------------------------><
   '- io_group_name -'


-name new_name
(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the I/O group. The -name parameter cannot be specified with the -feature, -size, or -kb parameters.
-feature flash | remote | mirror
(Optional) Specifies the feature to modify the amount of memory for: Copy Services or VDisk mirroring. You must specify this parameter with the -size parameter. You cannot specify this parameter with the -name parameter.

Note: Specifying remote changes the amount of memory that is available for Metro Mirror or Global Mirror processing. Any VDisk that is in a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship uses memory in its I/O group, including master and auxiliary VDisks, and VDisks that are in inter-cluster or intra-cluster relationships.
-size memory_size
(Optional) Specifies the amount of memory that is available for the specified Copy Services or VDisk mirroring function. Valid input is 0 or any integer. The default unit of measurement for this parameter is megabytes (MB); you can use the kilobytes -kb parameter to override the default. You must specify this parameter with the -feature parameter. You cannot specify this parameter with the -name parameter.
(Optional) Changes the units for the -size parameter from megabytes (MB) to kilobytes (KB). If you specify this parameter, the -size memory_size value must be any number divisible by 4. You must specify this parameter with the -feature and -size parameters. You cannot specify this parameter with the -name parameter.
io_group_id | io_group_name
(Required) Specifies the I/O group to modify. You can modify an I/O group by using the -name or the -feature parameter.


The chiogrp command modifies the name of an I/O group or the amount of memory that is available for Copy Services or VDisk mirroring. You can assign a name to an I/O group or change the name of a specified I/O group. You can change the amount of memory that is available for Copy Services or VDisk mirroring operations by specifying the -feature flash | remote | mirror parameter, and a memory size. For VDisk mirroring and Copy Services (FlashCopy®, Metro Mirror, and Global Mirror), memory is traded against memory that is available to the cache. The amount of memory can be decreased or increased. Consider the following memory sizes when you use this command:

  • The default memory size for FlashCopy is 20 MB.
  • The default memory size for Metro Mirror and Global Mirror is 20 MB.
  • The default memory size for mirrored VDisks is 0 MB.
  • The maximum memory size that can be specified for FlashCopy is 512 MB.
  • The maximum memory size that can be specified for Metro Mirror and Global Mirror is 512 MB.
  • The maximum memory size that can be specified for mirrored VDisks is 512 MB.
  • The maximum combined memory size across all features is 512 MB.
Table 1demonstrates the amount of memory required for VDisk mirroring and Copy Services. Each 1 MB of memory provides the following VDisk capacities and grain sizes:

Table 1. Memory required for VDisk Mirroring and Copy Services
Feature Grain size 1 MB of memory provides the following VDisk capacity for the specified I/O group
Metro Mirror and Global Mirror 256 KB 2 TB of total Metro Mirror and Global Mirror VDisk capacity
FlashCopy 256 KB 2 TB of total FlashCopy source VDisk capacity
FlashCopy 64 KB 512 GB of total FlashCopy source VDisk capacity
Incremental FlashCopy 256 KB 1 TB of total Incremental FlashCopy source VDisk capacity
Incremental FlashCopy 64 KB 256 GB of total Incremental FlashCopy source VDisk capacity
VDisk mirroring 256 KB 2 TB of mirrored VDisks

For multiple FlashCopy targets, you must consider the number of mappings. For example, for a mapping with a 256 KB grain size, 8 KB of memory allows one mapping between a 16 GB source VDisk and a 16 GB target VDisk. Alternatively, for a mapping with a 256 KB grain size, 8 KB of memory allows two mappings between one 8 GB source VDisk and two 8 GB target VDisks.

When you create a FlashCopy mapping, if you specify an I/O group other than the I/O group of the source VDisk, the memory accounting goes towards the specified I/O group, not towards the I/O group of the source VDisk.

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Posted September 26, 2011 by Timothy Conrad in category "SAN

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If I were to describe myself with one word it would be, creative. I am interested in almost everything which keeps me rather busy. Here you will find some of my technical musings. Securely email me using - PGP: 4CB8 91EB 0C0A A530 3BE9 6D76 B076 96F1 6135 0A1B